The Sacrifice For Success
It’s Time For A Sacrifice...
You see, success requires some extent of sacrifice. And if you want your business to thrive, you need to be willing to prioritize it above some other things.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be that person waking up at 4am and going to sleep at 2am, you can get just as much work done (if not more) if you can learn to prioritize the time that you have, and delegate it toward things that are most important.
It sounds very simple, and it is. That is why it is so overlooked. Take a peek at your screen time on social media, not so simple now, is it?
You’ve gotta learn to focus more on those high-impact tasks that actually bring in some form of value.
I’m not saying to take this to the extreme and cut off everyone and everything, but your priorities need a little shift. An easy way to do this is to create what I like to refer to as work blocks, where you dedicate specific times each day where distractions are not allowed. Turn off the notifications, close all your unnecessary tabs, and work hard toward your business during that time.
This is where you will make real progress.