How To Compel Your Readers To Interact:

This is a very hidden trick in the copywriting and marketing industries, and it is holding many people, including you, back from reaching your true potential.

You Need A Strong Headline. I am telling you, if you don’t have a headline that invokes emotion and forces the reader to open the content, that you will continue to receive little to no interaction.

Without a strong headline, NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK.

You could literally have the world’s greatest ad or message but give it a mediocre headline and it won’t even matter. On the other hand, if you take a mediocre message, but give it the world’s best headline, it will return massive results.

A way that I like to think of a headline is similar to writing that first text message that compels the person to reply to you. It should invoke curiosity and catch their attention enough that they want to see what else you have to say.

Master crafting headlines = master gaining attention.

Parker Lehr

Hey i'm Parker, an 18 year old university student, business owner, and coffee enthusiast. Need help with web design and/or SMM? I'm your guy.

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